1. Only honest announcements with accurate descriptions
2. Free or cheap accommodations only
- maximum 5€ / 5£ / 5$ a night
3. If the accommodation costs, it must be mentioned in the description
4. Valid selfies from within 5 years required as the profile image
5. Administration of this website takes no responsibility over the security, belongings or any other measure of site users
6. Private info such as phone, email and address are shared to the other users when accommodation request is accepted. If the request is declined, these are held private
7. Administration takes no responsibility over potential data loss, hackers or any other measure of privacy and convenience
8. By using this website you acknowledge and agree to the terms given in this note
9. We do not sell/share information to any third party. Server provider and website administration reserve the right for sharing any the user information to any officials in fault of crime investigations or other serious measure of research
10. Every user of this website must be over 18 years of age or of legal age of the country in which they operate
11. Using this website for other than the named purposes is prohibited
12. Suspects over illegal activities might be turned in, in case any the member of the administration surmises there could be some serious problems to highlight
13. Do not contact any available / potential hosts if you can not accept their preferences and appreciate the loyalty
14. We do not allow / tolerate negative behaviour towards our hosts
15. Accepting a host request is not legally binding until both parties have had the change to contact one another for further conversations and have come into an agreement
16. Once mutual agreement per a hosting decision has been finished, the contract is legally binding. If a host has to cancel the reservation due to misuse, unexpected substance abuse, false information on website, safety issues or another substantially apparent reason, any legal requirements per previously given consent are nullified
17. If the host can not proceed with the hosting due to a sudden eviction or another sensefull and evident reason, any legal requirements are nullified
18. If a person to host wants to cancel the hosting after a mutual agreement, they must contact the administration in order to have any tokens reimbursed. This requires an explanation and clear evidence of an underlining cause of cancellation, unless the host agrees to it. In contact, include user IDs for context verifications
19. In unclear circumstances or in a need of compensation per contract breakage, please contact local officials for further instructions and aid
20. Administration of this website does not provide support for user issues due to limited forces, please contact local officials in any potential issues! Thank You for Your understanding
21. Do not accommodate people unsober unless it's been mentioned either in the description, hashs, or in the earlies contact between the guest and the host
22. Never await any immaterial compensation from neither guest neither host and mention any potential item requirements in the earliest contact and preferably, in the description too
23. Please remember it is always wise to verify the identity of both parties. Do not hesitate to take a video call straight up the line after the firstly agreed hosting option
24. Asking for ID's must be mentioned in the description or in the early contact, since not all people have them. If one can not provide a form of an identity verification, it is completely optional yet accepted to cancel the reservation
25. If sharing ID information please remember the legal limitations for holding it on thee devices and do cover any personal information that the host / the person to host do not need to know
26. ID requests are completely allowed and welcomed on our website, so any attempts to disrespect the valuability of honesty is not processed with guarantees of service upto maintenance